Mutual Funds: Classroom

The Classroom section provides you with a “Mutual Funds 100- and 200-level” course on the basic principles of investing in mutual funds. The Classroom section is broken down into the following five tabs, with each tab describing a certain aspect of mutual fund investment:

    The Smart Investor: Contains a series of commonly-asked questions about investing. Subjects, such as managing your finances, marriage and finance, tax tips, and retirement planning are discussed.

    Building Your Portfolio: Contains both basic and advanced topics on building and maintaining your portfolio.

    Ask the Experts: Contains a series of articles in which one of Morningstar’s investment industry experts responds to commonly asked questions concerning mutual fund investment.

    Your Advisor: Contains articles that discuss a wide array of topics on financial advisors including what to look for when choosing an advisor, what questions you should be asking your advisor, what to expect from your advisor, and much more.

    Investing by the Book: Contains a series of concise articles on building a portfolio, mutual funds education, and a guide to Registered Education Savings Plans.