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Price Comparison Graph. See accessible table below
1 Day Comparison Chart Accessibility Table. Wednesday's close: 13.55
09:32 ET406013.64
09:34 ET7986213.67
09:36 ET4677413.69
09:38 ET5320613.81
09:39 ET5758313.85
09:41 ET3820213.815
09:43 ET2811213.83
09:45 ET2158113.8901
09:48 ET3372813.92
09:50 ET2035913.815
09:52 ET1591313.8
09:54 ET1468013.8
09:56 ET1357013.83
09:57 ET2837513.84
09:59 ET1352113.8799
10:01 ET655313.85
10:03 ET4153613.92
10:06 ET1246413.885
10:08 ET4982013.865
10:10 ET1162613.85
10:12 ET1712913.84
10:14 ET974113.855
10:15 ET1684413.855
10:17 ET610313.85
10:19 ET364913.855
10:21 ET416513.87
10:24 ET3273013.94
10:26 ET1014513.9
10:28 ET2394213.92
10:30 ET1268913.91
10:32 ET1182313.91
10:33 ET625313.905
10:35 ET717313.915
10:37 ET1542113.92
10:39 ET2245413.94
10:42 ET814213.92
10:44 ET635613.93
10:46 ET621513.93
10:48 ET15740813.94
10:50 ET2388313.925
10:51 ET1778513.925
10:53 ET797113.915
10:55 ET438913.9
10:57 ET553913.905
11:00 ET3729213.895
11:02 ET550713.88
11:04 ET135113.885
11:06 ET585013.9
11:08 ET549213.9099
11:09 ET520213.9199
11:11 ET755513.92
11:13 ET548313.925
11:15 ET712213.915
11:18 ET1741513.9
11:20 ET122113.88
11:22 ET730813.865
11:24 ET249813.8899
11:26 ET310013.8601
11:27 ET781213.875
11:29 ET1994613.88
11:31 ET104013.86
11:33 ET1266113.89
11:36 ET4853313.8805
11:38 ET858513.8799
11:40 ET1277413.89
11:42 ET75213.885
11:44 ET739713.87
11:45 ET443413.88
11:47 ET214213.875
11:49 ET1295613.89
11:51 ET77313.885
11:54 ET143013.895
11:56 ET240013.9
11:58 ET372313.89
12:00 ET109613.8999
12:02 ET110013.895
12:03 ET2651313.94
12:05 ET565913.9305
12:07 ET857913.95
12:09 ET539613.965
12:12 ET166313.955
12:14 ET561313.945
12:16 ET560913.94
12:18 ET144613.94
12:20 ET349813.935
12:21 ET154313.945
12:23 ET1203513.935
12:25 ET299913.94
12:27 ET1829213.91
12:30 ET370413.91
12:32 ET280713.91
12:34 ET677813.9
12:36 ET561313.925
12:38 ET1310513.9499
12:39 ET3096813.945
12:41 ET460113.945
12:43 ET2078313.945
12:45 ET144013.945
12:48 ET509513.945
12:50 ET929913.955
12:52 ET418513.9675
12:54 ET414913.965
12:56 ET375613.965
12:57 ET82213.965
12:59 ET267413.965
01:01 ET75213.96
01:03 ET930613.975
01:06 ET554613.97
01:08 ET1083413.97
01:10 ET333213.975
01:12 ET509913.97
01:14 ET274813.97
01:15 ET86913.975
01:17 ET5117513.98
01:19 ET292913.985
01:21 ET239513.98
01:24 ET170013.975
01:26 ET746513.985
01:28 ET109913.985
01:30 ET2013013.99
01:32 ET4909213.99
01:33 ET107113.985
01:35 ET133013.99
01:37 ET518713.98
01:39 ET363513.985
01:42 ET1615113.99
01:44 ET861213.985
01:46 ET346513.975
01:48 ET240013.9899
01:50 ET191913.975
01:51 ET857413.985
01:53 ET18304413.99
01:55 ET237013.98
01:57 ET6757813.99
02:00 ET8890313.99
02:02 ET4600913.975
02:04 ET684013.965
02:06 ET669413.965
02:08 ET979213.96
02:09 ET1357713.985
02:11 ET1126413.9899
02:13 ET1380013.9786
02:15 ET2623913.995
02:18 ET536414.025
02:20 ET2455014.05
02:22 ET774214.065
02:24 ET1043114.065
02:26 ET405514.065
02:27 ET786514.075
02:29 ET994714.085
02:31 ET462214.07
02:33 ET1671114.06
02:36 ET853714.07
02:38 ET766214.065
02:40 ET375614.07
02:42 ET1256814.075
02:44 ET1440214.075
02:45 ET2822014.075
02:47 ET463714.06
02:49 ET1945214.055
02:51 ET1364914.045
02:54 ET2336913.995
02:56 ET737114.02
02:58 ET795414.02
03:00 ET352614.03
03:02 ET884714.035
03:03 ET626114.03
03:05 ET401414.015
03:07 ET747614.03
03:09 ET314614.04
03:12 ET734614.035
03:14 ET744914.025
03:16 ET1309914.035
03:18 ET904514.04
03:20 ET1063114.01
03:21 ET1411114.015
03:23 ET153414.0186
03:25 ET1106314.015
03:27 ET1334514.005
03:30 ET533814
03:32 ET1298314.015
03:34 ET3176114.045
03:36 ET1992014.04
03:38 ET1389614.02
03:39 ET1246514.025
03:41 ET844914.025
03:43 ET2116414.02
03:45 ET300214.015
03:48 ET5004814.04
03:50 ET3803114.07
03:52 ET1429414.045
03:54 ET2179414.03
03:56 ET1856914.02
03:57 ET10411214.06
03:59 ET42502113.380819
Data delayed at least 15 minutes.
Industry Peers Overview Table
Company sortableMarket Cap sortableP/E Ratio (TTM) sortableEPS Growth (5yr) sortable
United StatesGFI
Gold Fields Ltd
United StatesAU
Anglogold Ashanti PLC
United StatesKGC
Kinross Gold Corp
United StatesCCJ
Cameco Corp
United StatesPAAS
Pan American Silver Corp
United StatesRGLD
Royal Gold Inc
As of 2024-09-13

Company Information

Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) is a South Africa-based globally diversified gold producer with approximately eight operating mines in Australia, Peru, South Africa and Ghana and two projects in Canada and Chile. The Company is involved in underground and surface gold and surface copper mining and silver and related activities, including exploration, extraction, processing and smelting. It has a total attributable annual gold-equivalent production of approximately 2.40 million ounces (Moz), gold mineral reserves of 46.1 Moz and gold mineral resources of 42.3 Moz (excluding mineral resources). In Peru, the Company also produces copper. Its economic interest in the South Deep mine in South Africa is approximately 96.43%. The Company also owns 100% of the St Ives, Agnew, Granny Smith mines and around 50% of the Gruyere gold mine in Australia, and 90.0% of the Tarkwa and Damang mines in Ghana. It owns approximately 99.5% of the Cerro Corona mine in Peru.

Contact Information

150 Helen Road, SandownSANDTON, South Africa 2196


Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board
Yunus Suleman
Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director
Michael Fraser
Interim Chief Financial Officer
Alex Dall
Chief Operating Officer
Martin Preece
Executive Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs
Jongisa Magagula

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Fundamentals Table
Market Cap
Revenue (TTM)
Shares Outstanding
Dividend Yield
Annual Dividend Rate
0.3906 USD
Ex-Dividend Date
Pay Date
Book Value
P/E Ratio
Price/Sales (TTM)
Price/Cash Flow (TTM)
Operating Margin
*GAAP = prior to non-GAAP analyst adjusted earnings.

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